Miles to go before I sleep

About Prayas

Prayas is a registered N.G.O. under society act. Prayas is committed for the upliftment of the society. The N.G.O. works for all round growth of youth including mental as well as personality related aspects. Team of Prayas believes that the most important thing is required to serve others is capability to do this. No vessel could be filled with more fluid than its capacity to hold. So, if a person wants to serve others, he needs to be successful and stable first in his life. The major problem with today’s youth is to select a proper career. Most of the people are confused and very often, their decision is not based on their interest, qualities and capabilities; but on trend or scope or income. Prayas provides career counseling for them and helps them to select an appropriate field in which they could perform their best.


"Prayas aims to spread awareness in the society and to establish a quality education system which will create extra ordinary abilities are indulge them to work for the betterment of the Nation especially in the field of children rights, women welfare, pollution control (including air, water, noise and cultural pollution), rural development, disaster and emergency relief as well as religious and cultural activities".


The vision statement of Prayas States: “To remove the adversity of every individual by serving and educating them to build up a self reliance society, based on equality and awareness about their rights and duties”. Perhaps this is the dream of every National and Socialist superhuman who contributed for Nation and society.

Mr. Abhay Vashistha

Founder President of Org.

From the Desk of Chief Editor

"Miles to go before I sleep" is tagline of Prayas, which is followed by us.

Ever since its inception. "Prayas Samiti" has been striving hard to achieve its objectives and set new goals, gradually and systematically. And the organization has achieved a commendable level of success. In addition to imparting free education and health care to the children and aware the youths against the abuse of society. "Prayas" has now diversified its activities, new vocational field. Therefore, fund mobilization has become an urgent necessity.

We are not professionals but we have tried our best to give something which with your support, will involve into an asset for society.

Activities of Prayas

  • Imparting completely free education with provision of free books, copies, stationary etc.
  • Giving free Vocational Education to students and poor women’s.
  • Emphasis on female - children education.
  • Free health care program.
  • Provide personality development to the Youths.
  • Campaigning for pollution free environment (especially Yamuna River) with due stress on plantation and greenery.
  • To empower youths in various fields.
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